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Parent Fit Classes

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Calling all parents...

Do you want to be more active with your kids? Play ball, have a game of tag, go on bike rides and take adventure walks? Would you like to increase your fitness levels to be able to become "PARENT FIT" then look no further!

Coach Jake, our qualified fitness coach, who also owns his own fitness business called "Your Fitness", runs our weekly classes.

Some classes run alongside our kids sports sessions (Kids PLAY - You TRAIN) with others being run on their own (Kids STAY AT HOME - You TRAIN)

The classes are designed to get your heart rate up, have fun and give you a bit of that feel good factor so that you can be “Parent Fit”


We run the sessions in 6 week blocks at a cost of £40 per block but you can join in at anytime only paying for the remaining sessions of that block and your first session is completely FREE!

More sessions at different locations and times will be coming over the next few months so do keep your eyes peeled 

PLEASE NOTE you don't need to be a parent to join our classes as they're open to all aged 18+

Summer Hols (27/07/24 - 31/08/24)
To secure a place simply WhatsApp us on 07950 098 766 with your name and class date you wish to attend.
First session FREE
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